FREE PROBE with the Purchase of a YoniFlex Kit!

Support of Days for Girls Canada

    Days for Girls Canada
    YoniFlex has proudly partnered with Days for Girls Canada.  Since 2008, Days for Girls has worked tirelessly to end the stigma associated with menstruation.  They support women women around the world who don't have access to necessary products to hygienically deal with their menstruation.
    Over the past 12 years, Days for Girls has reached more then 2.1 million women and girls in over 140 countries.  This translates into over 142 million days of dignity, health, and opportunity.
    "Around the world, girls and women resort to using rags, mattress stuffing, banana leaves, feathers, and even cow dung to manage their menstruation.  Days for girls provides a safe, beautiful, washable, and long-lasting alternative she can count on month after month - along with vital health education."
    Did you know?
    • Globally, 2.3 billion people live without basic sanitation services.
    • In developing countries, only 27% of people have adequate hand washing facilities at home.
    • Menstruation is stigmatized around the world. In Nepal, women are banned from their houses during their period. 
    • Poor menstrual hygiene can cause physical health risks associated with reproductive and urinary tract infections.
    When you purchase a YoniFlex Pelvic Floor Trainer, we will donate a DfG kit on your behalf to support a young woman who cannot otherwise access these items.  The kit will allow these women the freedom to live their lives comfortably away from the stigma of menstruation.
    If you are interested in supporting Days for Girls yourself, please click here for information.
    Stay awesome,